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A framed copy of the Willington Map donated by Neil B. Maw

Survey of the Manor and Tithing of Watchfield

In 1757, the Right Honourable Henry Fox, a Wiltshire MP, was struggling with a turbulent political lifestyle, but opted out of mainstream politics by accepting the office of Paymaster General. Whereas it removed him as a contender for serious high office, it placed him in an ideal position to make a lot of money. This may account for why he purchased Manors such as Watchfield and nearby Bishopstone. It may also account for the commissioning of, ‘A survey of the Manor and Tithing of Watchfield by Francis Howard Willington.’ This splendid map details the entire layout of the village and surrounding fields and is dated 1758. But there is no evidence as yet that Fox ever resided at Watchfield, but rather had a Trustee to handle the purchase and the running.
A copy of the map that resulted from Francis Willington's survey was scanned in high resolution and donated to Shrivenham Heritage Society. It is a stunning piece of work and provides a huge amount of information for the historian of Watchfield.
To view a high resolution copy of this map click HERE. Click again on the picture to enlarge it.

See also listing number N127 for further information on the Manor of Watchfield

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