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The location of the trees. Photo by Neil B. Maw.
Round House 1. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Round House 1. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Round House 2. Photo by Neil B. Maw

Shrivenham Parish Tree Survey

The purpose of this listing is to record the location of notable trees around the parish of Shrivenham. We list the location by Latitiude and Longitude and the measurement of the girth of the trunk at approximately 1.5m  from the ground. This enables an estimate of the age of the tree. We also give each tree a name that is relevant to it, such as location, historical information etc. For instance the first listing below we are calling Round House 1 and Round House 2 because the two trees are located in the middle of the late Bronze Age settlement site just north of Shrivenham. At this site the remains of at least 10 Round Houses were discovered and are circa 3000 years old.

Round House 1. Oak. Lat:  Long: W. Circumference 3.35m = age 178 years.

Round House 2. Oak. Lat:  Long: N.  Circumference 4.20m = 223 years.





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