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Endowed Charities (County of Berkshire) report, March 1909

See also the original order 1905 at C3.SHR.8.4.0 -  N1249

This document, of which there are two copies plus the original held, is a return, "comprising (1) THE REPORTS made to the Charity Commissioners, in the result of an Inquiry held in every Parish wholly or partly within the Administrative County of Berkshire into Endowments, subject to the provisions of the Charitable Trusts Acts, 1853 to 1894, and appropriated in whole or in part for the benefit of that County and (2) A DIGEST showing, in the case of each such Parish, whether any Endowments are recorded in the books of the Charity Commissioners in the Parish."

The report covers the PARISH of SHRIVENHAM:

Stratton's School

Vicar's School

Marten's Almshouses

Viscount Barrington's Charity

Poor's Land

Straton's Charity

Smith's Charity

National School, with Levitt's Endowment

Reading Room


Bourton School


Archdeacon Beren's School for Girls

Allotments for Road Repairs

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