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The large parchment consisting of five pages
The paper Indenture

Two Indentures for Tithes from Mark Stuart Pleydell in 1732

These two Indentures are from the collection we are calling the Bourton House papers. (BHP) The first is a large parchment that consists of five pages. It's dated 18th April 1732 and between Mark Stuart Pleydell Esq of Coleshill and Thomas Cox of Bourton. The rights were in the possession of John Cox, father of Thomas, on the Copyhold lands that are tied to the Manor of Shrivenhaam Salop. Thomas pays £448.11.2 to Pleydell. Long lists of field names and locations in and around Bourton.

A paper Indenture dated 18th April 1732, between Mark Stuart Pleydell Esq of Coleshill and John Harding alias North of Bishopstone, Yeoman. For the price of £51.6.11 Harding gets the right to Tithes from a piece of land in the Common fields of Bourton. List of feild names.



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