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For any reader who may not be familiar with the airfield at Watchfield, used by the RAF during the Second World War and others in subsequent years, please refer to the following references in this catalogue; N81, N591, N594 and N1168.
This listing concerns the unveiling of the Memorial Plaque on Wednesday 17th July, 2019. First there was a brief history of the airfield read out by Shrivenham Heritage Society Committee Member, Neil Maw. The military men present made the salute followed by veteran airman, Alec Chambers and other active military men who served at Watchfield, unveiled the plaque. Members of the Royal British Legion from Faringdon concluded the ceremony by performing a short and moving tribute in an act of remembrance to those that right here, "Did their Bit."
To read the brief history read out at the ceremony please go HERE
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