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Gable cross Roman site 1. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Gablecross Roman site 2. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Gable cross Roman site 3. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Gable cross Roman site 4. Photo by Neil B. Maw
Excavation Trench
Excavation Trench
Excavation Trench
Excavation Trench

Roman Site near Gablecross, Stratton

This site was discovered ahead of building a hub entrance into what will be a new industrial estate and eventually a huge housing estate over the next few years. It's location is opposite Marston Farm, Stratton, on the A420, close to Gablecross Police Station. The preliminary excavations were carreid out by Oxford Archaeology over a period of about 4 weeks in the Spring of 2016 and completed by AOC Archaeology. 

Once the excavation had finished, several people visited the site to take photos on the ground and from the air, in order to include the information on the SHS website. It was obvious by the large amounts of pottery present, that the site was dated circa 2nd to 4th century AD.

To read an excavation report by AOC Archaeology please go HERE



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