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Many people will have seen this building next to the former Victoria Public House by the entrance to what was Shrivenham Railway Station. It has likely never been used for something in the region of 50 years and possibly longer. It was built by the owners of the field in the corner of which it stands, Parsonage Farm at Lower Bourton, when the railway cut through the land in 1840. It was listed in the sale of that estate in 1888 as a Cart House and Stable, presumably for when working in that field. It’s likely that originally it would have had a thatched roof and wooden doors, but it has been altered and repaired over the last one and a half centuries
At the next sale in 1893 the Swindon Advertiser newspaper dated 26th August 1893 included the information that it had been let on a 30 year lease since 1865 at a rent of 5 shillings per annum and underlet at a profit rental of £3. It was purchased at the auction by a Mr T.R. Stephens of Shrivenham for £46. (lived in Rose Cottage, High St, Shrivenham).
For more information on the Victoria Inn please see SHS Listing No N859
For more information on the Barrington Arms please see SHS Listing No N805
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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