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This listing was brought about by the acquisition of documents from Ebay, purchased by Shrivenham Heritage Society in April 2021. The buildings were Freehold but the land on which they stood was Copyhold and belonged to the Manor of Stainswick. These documents form a schedule of deeds beginning with the Will of Joseph Bliss in 1801 and terminate with the sale of the Fairthorne Estate holding in Shrivenham in 1922. The cottages to which these documents refer have long since gone, and the Orchard, Barns and Meadow have modern houses built on them. To read a general precis of the Indentures referred to in this listing, please go HERE
To read the enfranchisement document for Amariah Fairthorne that would turn the lands listed from Copyhold within the Manor Stainswick to Fee Simple or Freehold, please go HERE
To read a separate account of the history of this property prior 1801 please see SHS Listing No N194
Ebay documents
We are always on the look-out for more information about Shrivenham and district. If you have old photos, know of historical facts, old documents (especially deeds) please contact us...
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