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Grant of Tithes of 1772
The Lease of a Lease & Release transaction from 1775
The Release of a Lease & Release transaction from 1775
The Sharington to Hinton document (Latin) of 1544
The Sharington to Hinton document  (English) of 1544

Early documents for Tythes in Bourton

These documents are from the collection we are calling the Bourton House papers. (BHP) They a consist of several parchments as follows;

A Lease & Release, one dated the 13th the other the 14th January 1775. The larger Release is two pages and the transaction is between John Smith of Bourton, Yeoman, on the first part; John Wirdnam of Shrivenham, Groom and Joseph Cope of Highworth, Innholder on the second part; Moses Spicer of Bishopstone, Yeoman on the third part and Thomas Cox of Bourton, Gent, on the fourth part. Thomas Cox pays to John Wirdnam and Joseph Cope £185 for 3 acres of ground and the rights to the Tythes coming off it.

An Indenture dated 4th September 1772 between John Stephens, Mariner, the only surviving son of John Stephens, deceased, who was the son of John Stephens, deceased, who was the eldest brother of Richard Stephens, late of Bourton, Yeoman, who some years since died unmarried and intestate, on the first part, and John Smith of Bourton, Yeoman, of the other part. For £200 paid to John Stephens, John Smith purchased the Tythes due from a piece of land belonging to the Manor of Stallpits of three acres.

Two small parchment documents both from the year 1544, concerning William Sharington and John and Richard Hinton of Stainswick & Bourton. We already have similar documentation to this donated by a person in Wanborough, and these two documents, one in Latin and the other in English, are from the same transaction and seem to be the originals, the others being copies. Please go to Listing No N1052 for the details.


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