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The Kinneir family produced many successful members during the 18th and 19th centuries some of whom becaming substantial land owners around Bourton. The documents in this listing are to do with Richard and are part of the collection called the Bourton House papers (BHP)
Indenture dated 8th September 1740 between Richard Kinneir of Cricklade Saint Sampsons, Wilts, Surgeon on the first part; Susannah Cox of Bourton, Spinster, on the second part; Thomas Cox of Bourton, Gent, Brother of Susannah Cox, and Richard Shurmer of Hannington, Wilts, Gent, on the third part. There was a marriage intended to be shortly had between Richard Kinneir and Susannah Cox, the marriage portion to be £800 to be given to Thomas Cox and Richard Shurmer in trust for Susannah. This is a legal release of title of certain lands on account of his marriage into the Cox family
Indenture dated 26th March 1748 between Richard Shumer late of Hannington, Wilts, Gent, on the first part; Richard Kinneir of Cricklade, Wilts, Surgeon and Susannah his wife on the second part; Thomas Cox of Bourton, Gent, (only son and Heir and also divisee named in the Will of Thomas Cox) on the third part. 'Whereas Thomas Cox, deceased, was in his lifetime, seized in fee simple of and in diverse messuages, lands, meadow ground, tenements and heriditaments situate in Bourton' (owned freehold lots of property).
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