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Grant of Administration for the late Catherine Cox
`Release by Mary Bowles for legacies received
Release by Richard Kinneir for legacies already received
Ann Harris sale of her house
One of the Latin documents

Several mid 18th century documents of Bourton residents

These documents are from the collection known as the Bourton House papers. (BHP). They consist of:

Catherine Cox of Bourton who died Intestate in 1758. A grant of Administration to her affairs given to Thomas Cox her brother dated 5th May 1758

Release by Mary Bowles of legacies left to her. 5th May 1758

Release by Richard Kinneir for legacies left to him. 5th May 1758

Indenture on paper that is in delicate condition. Dated 3rd November 1724 between Ann Harris of Upper Bourton, Widow, Relict of John Harris, late of Bourton, Yeoman, deceased, and Benjamin Stone of Bourton, Labourer of the one part; Richard Austen of Moredon in the Parish of Rodbourne Cheyney, Wilts, Labourer of the other part. For the sum of £10 paid by Richard to buy, 'All that messuage or tenement or dwelling house with the barn, backside and garden belonging in Upper Bourton, late in the possession of John Harris, who purchased the same from John and Thomas Hinton.'

Two declarations written in Latin. Yet to be transcribed 

Copies available in high resolution scans on application



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