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These two sets of transactions are from the Bourton House papers (BHP) and centre on the Cox family but involve others with regard to mortgages. It started in 1748 and the land put up as collaterall was made up of fields, cottages and farm buildings. But by 1778 there were legal issues after the Thomas Cox involved in the earlier transaction died without leaving a will - Intestate. Legal opinion was asked for and that is with the file. There is also a copy of Jane Byrchall's Will. The Will & Opinion are available in High resolution scans on request.
Lease & Release dated 19th & 20th April 1748. Between Thomas Cox of Bourton, Gent, only son and heir and also Devisee named in the Will of Thomas Cox, late of Bourton, Gent, deceased and Mary Bowles of Bourton, Spinster (was the Granddaughter of Thomas Cox deceased and also a Legatee named in the Will, on the one part; Jane Byrchall of Sevenhampton, Parish of Highworth, Spinster on the other part. The amount involved is £800. The property starts with the pasture ground called Great Arbor 22 acres, then lists many more fields and premises etc.
Thirty years later the Lease & Release dated 20th & 21st December 1778 has many people involved; Edward Burchall of Upper Stratton, Stratton St Margaret, Wilts, Yeoman, nephew and heir at law of Jane Burchall of Sevenhampton, Parish of Highworth, Spinster, dseceased, on the first part; Mary Burchall of Upper Stratton, Widow, Sister in Law of Jane Burchall and Executor named in the Will , on the second part; Richard Francombe of Purton, Wilts, Yeoman, (who intermarried with and survived Jane Burchall, Spinster), one of the heirs of the Executor Jane Burchall, on the third part; Andrew Baden of Broad Blunsdon, Wilts, Gent, and Mary his wife (another of the heirs of Executor Jane Burchall), on the fourth part; Martha Cox of Bourton, Widow, relict of Thomas Cox late of Bourton, Gent, deceased and Administrator on the fifth part; John Walter Cox of Wantage, Gent, only son and heir of Thomas Cox on the 6th part.
The final outcome seems to be that John Walter Cox ended up with the land and premises.
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