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The description of the Indenture
The drawing of the land purchased by George Canfield to build the Victoria Hotel

Indenture of land being sold for the GWR Railway in 1839

This is another of the intersting documents from the Bourton House papers. (BHP) It is a parchment indenture consisting of four pages. It originates from the lands owned by Thomas Kinneir, namely Parsonage Farm at Lower Bourton. Theodosia Frome, sister and beneficiary of the Will of her brother Thomas Kinneir, died on the 8th March 1830. She left all her real estate to her Grandson John Nicholas Fazakerley and her Son-in-Law the Rev. Benjamin Churchill. Her wishes were that the estate should be sold and the proceeds divided among her three daughters, Dorothy, Theodosia and Mary Susan. It was the above named people who feature in the Indenture on the one part and the Great Western Railway Company on the other, concerning land from Bourton to Shrivenham.

Like all the Indentures of the period they are long winded and repetitive but basically summarised, it's a sale for £1600 of land for the railway to cut through and another £250 in lieu of exercising a right to have a bridge put in. There is also another separate paper indenture for the sale of a piece of land to George Canfield so he could build his new hotel called the Victoria Inn near Shrivenham Station in 1842. The half an acre cost him £132.3.0. 





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